CPD Sessions for Teaching Assistants:
All events are online via Zoom
"Teaching Assistants have an important role in pupil’s wellbeing and learning. They play a key role in supporting the teacher to ensure that the pupils get the maximum benefit from the learning activities that the teacher plans and carries out for them"
Rebecca Dunne - Deputy CEO of Prestolee Multi Academy Trust
We know that teaching assistants will always be better prepared for their classroom role if they receive relevant, high-quality CPD. With this in mind, Prestolee SCITT are offering 3 free, short CPD sessions for teaching assistants. The events are held at a time that won’t impact on your time with the children and are delivered online via Zoom for your convenience.
Please book a place and join our virtual events below:
Session 1 – Positive Behaviour
Thursday 29th April
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Book a place
Session 2 – Questioning and Feedback
Thursday 6th May
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Book a place
Session 3 – Enhancing Subject Knowledge - Maths
Thursday 13th May
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Book a place