
"Welcome to Prestolee School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), an innovative and leading ITT provider led by Prestolee Primary School in partnership with the University of Cumbria and a host of schools across Greater Manchester.

I myself am a Prestolee Graduate, having completed my own initial teacher training here through the Graduate Teacher Programme. I am now Deputy Headteacher of the School, Director of Prestolee SCITT and I lead the North West region in all areas of Initial Teacher Training and Education development. My ITT team and I have created programmes that take the best of both school-led training provision, and academic excellence through our PGCE partnership with the University of Cumbria. You will be given the best opportunity to begin your own career journey, with individualised support to ensure you fulfill your potential, and challenge for those of you who want to aim high and develop your leadership capacity with a view to a career beyond the classroom. Prestolee Initial Teacher Training will provide you with everything you need to become the best teacher and potential leader you wish to be.

Having recently been accredited as an ITT provider, we now offer both Core Primary places through our SCITT and Primary & Secondary School Direct places. More information on these can be found on the accompanying pages, including key questions and concerns we know potential teachers have concerning the many ITT options open to them. We are always at the end of the phone should you wish to discuss these options in more detail.

Thank you for considering Prestolee Initial Teacher Training to work with you at the start of your teaching and leadership career".

Best wishes

Rebecca Dunne

Deputy Headteacher of Prestolee Primary School

Director of SCITT / Director of Teaching School Alliance

Chair of North West ITT Network Group

Senior Leader of Education for ITT