Primary SCITT / School Direct Non-Salaried


Our Primary SCITT / School Direct Programme is delivered over an academic year, with Masters level PGCE study delivered by the University of Cumbria. On completion of the programme you will be awarded both Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and a PGCE with 60 Masters credits.

The programme will combine subject and theoretical training, Masters level PGCE study and school-based teaching placements with various flexible options to ensure the training programme is tailored to your particular areas of interest and strengths. 


You can choose to specialise in either Early Years or General Primary. Early Years trainees will complete their training in Early Years / Foundation Stage and KS1 whilst General Primary trainees will complete their training in KS1 and KS2.   

Key Areas of Learning

  • Mentored teaching placements   

You will complete 3 teaching blocks, one per term, with both the Autumn and Summer term blocks being undertaken at your main base school. For your contrasting placement, this will take place at another school and in a different key stage, and there will be an opportunity for you to choose a placement with a particular focus, such as SEN or schools with a high number of EAL pupils. Throughout all your teaching placements you will be supported by a specially trained school-based mentor who will provide the guidance, support and challenge needed to ensure you are meeting all of the standards for QTS. This is in addition to the support you will receive from your Classroom Teacher, your Lead Mentor and the Prestolee ITT Management Team. This guided support is central to our ITT programmes.

  • Professional, subject and pedgogical studies

The theoretical part of the programme takes place via tutored sessions covering everything from Literacy and Phonics to Behaviour Management and the role of Teaching Assistants. Subject based training is delivered by a range of outstanding practitioners and Specialist Leaders of Education and take a variety of formats to ensure knowledge and skills are developed. All study sessions are a central part of the programme and give trainees the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities including presentations, project collaboration & group discussion. Training takes place at Prestolee Primary School in addition to various locations across Bolton and Greater Manchester 

  • Academic Studies

Your PGCE will be undertaken via tutoring from our University of Cumbria Programme Lead, and will take place at the Bolton Science and Technology Centre in Bolton. The award of PGCE is dependant on the successful completion of 2 academic pieces, each worth 30 credits at Masters Level. One piece will be a research assignment, whilst the other will be a reflective piece, and both have been written to fully complement the content and structure of the Prestolee ITT programmes. 

  • Enriched Learning

In addition to the above key areas of learning, trainees are given the opportunity to experience a range of other settings to enhance their learning and widen their scope of understanding of the various educational settings.

All trainees will have:

  1. A 6 week contrasting placement in another school and key stage.

  2. Experience of the creative curriculum based on an extended  school visit and joint project.

  3. Experience in a Special School - for some trainees there will be the opportunity to undertake their contrasting placement in an SEN setting.

  4. Early Years and KS3 experience.

  5. Experience with pupils for whom English is not their first language.