Entry Criteria

The minimum criteria required for Primary Initial Teacher Training programmes at Prestolee SCITT are:

Academic qualifications:

A UK Bachelor degree qualification of 2:2 or above, or a recognised equivalent qualification as judged against NARIC

5 GCSE grades A-C to include English Language, Mathematics and Science (or equivalent)


For Primary with PGCE applicantsMinimum 10 days experience within a primary setting within the previous 12 months (applicants can cite planned experience as part of their personal statement, however it is advised to gain this experience first in order to ensure consideration for interview.)

For QTS Only applicants: Minimum 20 days experience within a primary setting within the previous 12 months. This experience must have been gained across both key stages, and one of you references must be from the Head Teacher of a/the hosting school.

International qualifications

International qualifications will be checked for comparability via the National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC). 

Applicants without the required GCSE grades

Where candidates do not have the required GCSE grades or equivalent for their chosen pathway, they must complete an equivalency test. These can be completed at various institutions and applicants are advised to visit www.equivalencytesting.co.uk in the first instance. Where applicants are completing equivalency tests, a condition of offer will be the successful completion to the minimum level prior to commencement on the course.

All applicants will be required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to verfify their suitability for working with young people. This will be a condition of offer.